
What Recruiters Really Want in Your Cover Letter

What Recruiters Really Want in Your Cover Letter

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Standing Out in the New Zealand Job Market Exploring the job market is much like jumping on a great adventure; you need the correct tools to gain your prise. Here, the prise is your desired job, and the tool is a powerful cover letter to grabs the attention of recruiters. Why […]

How to Be Environmentally Friendly in an Office

How to Be Environmentally Friendly in an Office

In today’s world, sustainability is more than just a trend; it’s a necessity. As businesses and individuals, we have a responsibility to minimise our environmental impact. Here are some practical tips for creating an eco-friendly office environment.   1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Reduce Paper Usage: Go digital whenever possible. Use emails, digital signatures, and cloud […]

Stand Out in a Crowded Pool of Temporary Candidates

Stand Out in a Crowded Pool of Temporary Candidates

Are you feeling a bit lost in the crowd of temporary work candidates? With so many people on the lookout for a job, it might seem tough to get noticed. No worries, we’ve got you covered with some advice on how to really stand out!   Be Your Best Self at Work Getting stuck in […]

How Temporary Jobs Can Lead to Permanent Positions

How Temporary Jobs Can Lead to Permanent Positions

In today’s fast-moving job market, many people are trying out temporary jobs, often through a recruitment agency, as a smart move for their careers. Even though temporary or contract work might seem short-term, it’s often a great way to get into permanent jobs, especially for those in blue-collar industries. Here are some strong reasons why […]

Leading the Way in Supporting Blue-Collar Careers

Leading the Way in Supporting Blue-Collar Careers

In New Zealand’s busy blue-collar job scene, simply having the latest tools or a wide range of services isn’t enough for a company to stand out. What truly sets a company apart is a genuine mix of values, ethics, and dedication. At Lowie Recruitment, we’ve turned the job-finding process into an art, making us a […]

Beating the 3PM Slump: Top Tips for Energy & Focus

Beating the 3PM Slump: Top Tips for Energy & Focus

Let’s navigate through a common challenge many face in the workforce: the 3pm slump. This mid-afternoon dip in energy and concentration happens to everyone, whether you’re a blue-collar worker or office staff. You might wonder why we feel tired in the middle of the day. This slump is mainly due to our natural body rhythms […]

Navigating Staffing Challenges in Healthcare During Economic Downturns

With many kiwi healthcare workers leaving New Zealand to escape the economic downturn, it is more important than ever for the healthcare industry to maintain a skilled and reliable workforce. Recently, it has been noted that quite a few healthcare workers from New Zealand are moving abroad. They are looking for better job opportunities and […]

Utilising Temporary Labour Hire Solutions in a Recession

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, warehousing and logistics companies face the constant challenge of finding efficient ways to maintain productivity and minimise costs. While some companies resort to cutting down on their workforce, others are discovering the incredible benefits of temporary staffing solutions. Recruitment firms, such as Lowie Recruitment, can empower companies during recessionary […]

Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

In today’s competitive job market, a strong LinkedIn profile is essential for showcasing your skills, experience, and professional brand. As one of Auckland’s leading recruitment firms, Lowie Recruitment understands the importance of standing out in a sea of profiles and how candidates seeking white collar roles can optimise their LinkedIn profiles to attract attention from […]

Important Update on Changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

Immigration New Zealand recently announced a swathe of changes to the accredited employer work visa (AEWV) that may affect your international recruitment strategies and employment of foreign workers in your organisations. As the landscape changes, it is essential to stay informed and be prepared for these modifications. The changes primarily affect Australian and New Zealand […]